Pictures for Halloween!!

"Yeah, Bustah's back
And now he has a buddy!"

This is who Bustah has been hanging around with recently, meet "Bones", and yes, he is a "Star trek" fan!!

As you can see, Pye does not like witches hanging from his ceiling!!

Halloween is not complete without black cats!!

Everyone has heard of werewolves, they do have a rarer, shyer cousin here in the American Southwest. I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of one, and take it's picture. This is the Werecoyote!!

Here is a wee bat, to carry Samhain prayers to the Otherworld for us.

Spiders, too, are part of a spooky celebration!!

What would this Holiday be without masks to confound and keep the Spirit World at bay?

We must have our carved pumpkins or turnips to keep away unhappy spirits!!

Bunnies are traditionally for Oestre, but, if you look closely, the eyes of these fellows are.. strange... as if there was an internal fire consuming their supposed sweetness.
Great pictures, Gwen. Halloween is such a spooky fun time.
Busta's Back! Tell him Baby Beep The Werewolf sends his regards.
Anita Marie
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